Victory Baptist Church
“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
1 Corinthians 15:57
September 23, 2020
Dear Pastor,
Greetings from the Central Valley of California. It is with great joy that I recommend to you the missionary ministry of the Sutton family. The Victory Baptist Church, the Sutton’s home and sending church family, is standing behind them and parenting with them 100% as they head to the country of Nicaragua to reach souls, disciple converts, and plant churches.
Dan and Heather came to us about six years ago as weekend interns while students in Bible college. Upon their graduation they moved to Fresno and have worked in the ministry faithfully ever since. Dan has proven himself not only in the ministry but also in the secular world while working a full time job to supply for his family. Because of his hard work he was promoted to management. Dan and Heather, along with their children, have been dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ, His local church, and lost souls. They have seen people saved, baptized, discipled, and added to the church.
Dan has been ordained under the authority of Christ and the Victory Baptist Church and has served in the following ministries during his time with us: Soul wining and discipleship, Youth Ministry, Music Ministry, Counseling, Funeral Leadership, Children’s Ministry, and church maintenance. And yes, Dan is a very good preacher of the Word of God. Dan has had dozens of opportunities to preach behind the pulpit and always does a great job.
Would you please consider this family for monthly missions support? If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via email ( or cell phone (559-930-2373). I d be happy to speak with you.
For the Cause of Christ,
Rick Owens, Pastor
1 Corinthians 15:57-58
Physical: 1717 N. Gateway Blvd., Ste. #105, Fresno, CA 93727 | Mailing: P.O. Box 8307, Fresno, CA 93747 559-400-6775 | |
Cen✞ral Bap✞is✞ Church
To Whom it may concern:
Dan Sutton grew up at Central Baptist Church. He graduated from our Christian School. Dan was not only a good academic student, he stood out as a spiritual leader. I was privileged to fly to California, and see the church at which he was serving the Lord, for the purpose of ordination. He had the most complete doctrinal statement and gave very detailed answers. I've found in over forty years of ministry and going to Ordination counsels, Daniel’s was one of the best I’ve ever had the opportunity to be part of. He is doctrinally sound, fundamental, knowing whom and what he believes.
Another thing that stands out to me is that this young man has a work ethic. Perhaps the number one complaint I hear about young men coming out of Christian colleges to work in a ministry is that they seem to lack a work ethic and have an attitude of entitlement. That certainly is not Dan.
As I lead the church of which I have been senior pastor for the past 35 years, I have under the Lord’s direction strongly emphasized Faith Promise giving. One thing as pastor is that I want to be sure that the ones I recommend our church to take on, is that they have their doctrine right, are not contemporary, rather fundamental, King James, and that they will work. Dan fully fits the bill!
Finally, Dan’s parents are members of our church. They have been very faithful over the years. His dad is a deacon, his mother is a teacher in our Christian school. His sister teaches in our Christian school and is the wife of our Youth Director.
Prayer and financial support will not be lost on this young man.
Feel free to call me if you have any questions at 352-694-2212.
In Christ,
Dr. Andy Bloom. Psalm 119:105
October 27, 2020
Dear Reader,
I want to take a few minutes of your time to introduce Dan and Heather Sutton. I am so impressed with this couple’s passion and desire to please the Lord Jesus Christ.
Several years ago, I had the privilege to perform Dan and Heather’s wedding. I was impressed with Dan’s spiritual maturity and invited him here to preach at Sweethaven Baptist Church. I have had no reason to think Dan to be anything other than a godly young man. Concerning Heather, it has been my great privilege to watch her as a child to grow into a young lady with a desire to honor the Lord. I am humbled and pleased to have been a part of her spiritual walk.
My greatest commendation, comes as I watched this young couple trust God through a deep personal loss. It was in those times of trials, that the resolve to serve was strengthened. A resolve so needed to be a missionary. I have no doubt that wherever God leads this couple they will do all for the glory of God.
Therefore, I would like to encourage you to support Dan and Heather as they seek to minister to the souls of Nicaragua.
Pastor Borkert